New Year - New Blog!
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“The merry year is born, like the bright berry from the naked thorn.
~ Hartley Coleridge.”
So - how was your Christmas?? Well the 'Twelve Days' aren't even over yet and my tree and decorations are still up... but already it feels - to me like Noël is already a thing of the past... And the New Year is most definitely here... So is it back to reality and to the same old same old?
Now I don’t know about you – but I have already seen so many of those emails and postings about a New year / a New you, and what a good time it is to start diets, launch a business, buy this perfect product and so on and so on… and blah blah blah… And yes – I could even be guilty of having written a few of those myself…
So here are a few of my own observations on the New Year subject… I know that for me – there is a very definite 'New Year, New Start' energy… Maybe it’s because I’ve had a rest and taken a break from ‘the norm’, but I am genuinely raring to go and have already got round to loads of niggling little jobs that I have been meaning to get around to for months. I’ve been cleaning and sorting and arranging and planning and… well all sorts really!
I’ve decided to deliberately embrace the New Year flow and go where the energy takes me and to capitalise on it – even taking a little longer to ‘get back to the day job’ so I can enjoy myself and feel great about what I am acheiving effortlessly, in the meantime.
And I’m asking myself the big questions for the year ahead, and giving the answers their own sweet time to come gently back to me… So I’m quite literally going with the flow…
And it may be a cliché – yet it’s a good one – this is such a great time for all of us to take stock and celebrate the last 12 months, and then to set intentions and take action for the coming year too.
Now I know that is all very well in practice, so here is my Peachey Process to help you set gentle goals that will actually 'stick', in the form of my Peachey Letter to New Years Eve - my gift to you…
And now comes my cunning plan to lure you to my next Damsels in Success event, because to make this goal setting malarkey even easier still, members and guests will be ‘Goal Setting for Goddesses’, so that we will all create our own 2013 the way we want it… And the reason this whole process will be easier is that we will walk through it together, then really commit to it and together hold each other to support and to account - giving our goals real wings and the genuine chance to make a difference to our lives.
Our next Damsels event Goal Setting for Goddesses is happening at the Royal Hotel, Ashby de la Zouch, Leicestershire, on the evening of Wednesday 23 January. It's free for all first timers - you simply have to register your place online here...
And here are some more ways in which I can support you and your goals too…
My book Peachey Letters – Love Letters to Life is launched next month and will entertain, emote and touch you in so many ways. You can get your discounted copy at the pre-publication special offer price of £10.00… (see the latest reviews here…). Next month it increases to the cover price of £11.99 and will have postage costs added on too… So how about a Valentines gift for you and for your loved ones… find out more and get your copies here…
I get incredible results Coaching and Mentoring my cherished clients on a one to one basis, and if you are ready to take things to the next level, in life and business too, take a look at my January Special offers. I am discounting all my most popular services through out this month – so check them out here… and if you have any questions or comments on this, just let me know.
I will be thoroughly and unashamedly nurturing myself on 19 January, by attending a fabulous event in Matlock with the inspiring Julie Anne Hart - Intuitive Business Coach and Therapist. ‘The Big Hart Day’ is all about opening yourself out to transform your life and business by tapping into and expanding your own gorgeous potential and to live life with out limits. You are invited to join Julie Anne on this amazing day and to open your heart to all that you are… Find out more here...
And that, my Dear Reader, was January’s Peachey News, Views, Offerings and Opinions…
Then last and by no means least - here’s to a delightful and delicious January, with an amazing 2013 ahead, for all of us. With love and laughter...
Sandra Peachey, Founder - Peachey Days & Director at Damsels in Success
Author of Peachey Letters - Love Letters to Life
Tel. 07921 494363
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